11.1.11 :D

Kay today me and myto pegi skolah mcm biasa naik angah and bertemu dgn 'J' saya, tettttttt! *Kalau luqman tau mati aku xD* Hahaha, well well, no worries. Tak serious pun pasal bnda2 ni. Fooling around je boleh lah. Then smpai skolah, berpecah lah kita org since myto prefects kan, so dia kene duty *Padan muka kau! :p* Ohh! Before split up tu terserempak dgn dot and epy, so aku jalan dgn dot and epy. Myto jln sorang pergi bilik pengawas. Pity little prefects :p

Then time balik, act nak naik T329, But mcm lambat -,- So me and myto decided nak naik U32 which is kene jalan smpai pudu baru boleh naik bus tu. Then nk buat mcm mana, kene lah menapak smpai pudu. Then otw tu, aku tunjuk myto step xylurf last year *smbil jalan* and ada budak naik kereta kembara tepuk tangan. Mcm pfffftttttt malu gilaaaaaaa. Haha! Then kita org mcm gelak sbb maluuuuuu -,-

Oh oh btw! date today cantik kan :) And today is our abang birthday, Habib. Happy birthday! May god bless you :)

Till here, Intan ♥